Adameková Katarína
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
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Antal Róbert
Head of the Department of Archaeological Monument Care
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Antoš Tomáš
Visitor Centre Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire
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Apiar Jana (roz. Hlavatá)
Head of the Research Base in Dolní Dunajovice, Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Dolní Dunajovice
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Bárta Patrick
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Bartík Jaroslav
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
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Bláhová Andrea
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Boriová Soňa
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
Dolní Věstonice
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Brázdová Marie
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Břínková Hedvika
Head of the Library
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Cibulka David
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Dolní Dunajovice
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Doležel Jiří
Expert worker of the Department of Archaeological Monument Care; Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Droberjar Eduard
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
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Filip Milan
Publishing department
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Filipová Zdenka
Archaeological collections manager, Public Relations
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Florianová Veronika
Visitors Centre Mušov – Gateway to the Roman Empire
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Fořt Martin
Restorer of Precious Metals
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Fořtová Torňošová Jana
Conservator / restorer
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Fouček Čeněk
Conservator / restorer
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Fritsch Jiří
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Gryc Jana
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Hanušová Jana
Department of Archaeological Monument Care
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Harasim Ronald
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Herčík Ondřej
Technician, Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
Dolní Věstonice
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Hladík Marek
Head of the Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Hlavica Michal
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Chlachula Dominik
Technician, Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
Dolní Věstonice
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Chovanec Michal
Conservator / restorer
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Imramovská Ilona
Technical-Economic Department
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Kalčík Libor
Field worker
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Kamenská Markéta
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Katolická Lenka
Head of the Technical-Economic Department
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Kavan Přemysl
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Kavanová Helena
Assistant, Department of Archaeological Monument Care
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Keprtová Martina
Technical-Economic Department
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Kiliánová Jana
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Kmošek Matěj
Analytical conservation
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Kmošková Michaela
Maternity leave, Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Dolní Dunajovice
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Knobloch Jakub
Assistant Director
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Kolomazníček Václav
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Komoróczy Balázs
Brno, Dolní Dunajovice
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Kopáčová Zuzana
Project/PR manager, administrative assistant for the AIS CR project
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Koudelková Jana
Technical-Economic Department
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Kouřil Pavel
Head of the Opava workplace; Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
Brno, Opava
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Krupičková Šárka
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Kudlíková Martina
Head of the Publishing department
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Látková Michaela
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Lebsak Michael
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Lečbychová Olga
Head of the Archive
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Lelovič Matej
Dolní Dunajovice
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Liptáčik Ivan
Preparation of the data structure of spatial geodatabases and formal databases
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Loskotová Zuzana
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
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Malíšková Johana
Mušov Visitor Centre – The Gateway to the Roman Empire
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Mazuch Marian
Head of the Research Base in Mikulčice; Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Nguyen Hoang Anh
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Novák Martin
Head of the Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology; head of the Research Base in Dolní Věstonice
Dolní Věstonice
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Pajdla Petr
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Papáková Kateřina
Opava workplace
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Pavka Vít
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Pavková Zdeňka
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Pavloň Tomáš
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Płygawko Michał
Material Analyst SEM-EDS
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Poláček Lumír
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
Brno, Mikulčice
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Porubčanová Zuzana
Popularisation and administrative work of the visitor centre
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Pospíšil Vít
IT support
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Procházka Rudolf
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Příborská Hana
Administrative assistant
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Rataj Petr
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Růžičková Pavla
Public Relations, Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Dolní Dunajovice
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Sázelová Sandra
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
Dolní Věstonice
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Skoupá Jana
Technical-Economic Department
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Slavíček Karel
Conducting and implementing scientific research
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Spáčil David
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Stuchlík Stanislav
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Sudek Čeněk
Buildings manager
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Svoboda Jiří
Emeritus scientist
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Szabová Alina
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Dolní Dunajovice
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Ščasníková Lucia
Materny leave, Archive
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Šebela Lubomír
Retired co-worker
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Ševčík Filip
Department of Analytical Conservation
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Šída Petr
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
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Škojec Jaroslav
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Škrdla Petr
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
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Těsnohlídková Kateřina
Analysis of technological traces of ceramic forming
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Ungerman Šimon
Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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Usyk Vitalii
Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology
Dolní Věstonice
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Vaníčková Eva
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
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Vlach Marek
Head of the Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
Brno, Dolní Dunajovice
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Vondroušová Iva
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Wijnhoven Martijn A.
Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period
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Žákovský Petr
Institutional secretary, Research Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology
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