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Hlavica Michal Brno

Mgr. Michal Hlavica, Ph.D.

Centre for Historic Archaeology

Between 2016 and 2018, he worked in the ARÚB archive as a database administrator for the Archaeological Information System of the Czech Republic (AIS ČR) project. He participated in the digitization of the ARÚB archival collection and the transition from the Megalit information system to the Archaeological Map of the Czech Republic (AMČR) system. In 2018, he was reassigned to the Virtual Scientific Model of Great Moravian Mikulčice project as a GIS specialist, and in 2019, he was hired as a PhD research fellow focusing on the socio-political and economic organization of pre-industrial societies, particularly Great Moravia.

In his research, which focuses primarily on the transition from pre-state to state organizational structures, he examines the genesis of elites and power institutions, as well as elite strategies of power centralization and consolidation. In his dissertation, defended in 2020, he reconstructed the market system of the core Great Moravian territory and proposed a decentralized (chiefdom-confederation) model of Great Moravian power and organizational structure.


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