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Ein Brandgräberfeld aus der römischen Kaiserzeit in Mittelböhmen

Teil II. Analysen und Interpretationen


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Volume 81

Archäologisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik, Brno

Brno 2024, 361 p.

ISBN 978-80-7524-089-7, ISBN 978-80-7524-090-3 (pdf)

DOI: 10.47382/arub2024-04

ISSN 1804-1345

The monograph is a comprehensive analysis and at the same time an attempt to interpret the largest burial site of the Elbe Germans peoples (Suebi) in Europe. It is a continuation of the first volume, in which archaeological sources were presented. The unique data set allowed for the very first time in the research on the Roman Period to create space for a detailed typological-chronological conception, which often required the development of some new typologies of artefacts.  The book is a major advance in the process of examining the social structure of the Germanic people in terms of the grave goods in the grave units and the spatial relationships. New insights have also been made on the issue of the burial ritual, and especially on the significance of cult objects in the necropolis. Three special contributions – on anthropology (J. Chochol), on ancient glass (H. Sedláčková and D. Rohanová) and on the elemental composition of Germanic and Roman metal artefacts (J. Frána and M. Fikrle) – have provided very important insights. The publication will become an indispensable handbook for the study of the material culture of the Germanic people in the Early Roman Period and for the archaeology of Central European barbaricum.