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Gombíky from Mikulčice and Their Regional and Supraregional Context


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Volume: SBM XIV, Spisy ARÚB 80

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Brno

Brno 2024, 257 p.

ISBN 978-80-7524-085-9, ISBN 978-80-7524-086-6 (pdf)

DOI: 10.47382/arub2024-02

ISSN 1804-1345  


By means of a catalogue and scientific evaluation, the publication presents gombíky, typically hollow spherical clothing accessories crafted from sheet metal found at central Great Moravian cemeteries commonly linked to the 9th-century elite milieu of the Great Moravian region. The work is based on an analysis of gombíky utilising theoretical modelling and a comparison of data from multiple scientific disciplines. Technical and technological data related to the gombíky were used for the analysis; these data were compared with the age and gender of the individuals buried with them and subsequently placed in the spatial framework of the Great Moravian region. Ideologically similar artefacts found in the territory stretching from Europe to Central Asia were also studied. A major outcome of the work is a hypothetical mechanism for the change in the function of gombíky in the living culture of the period, which in many regards could reflect the dynamic of Great Moravian society as a whole. Yet another important aspect of the work is the verification of the possibility of theoretical modelling and the method of comparing data from multiple scientific disciplines for the research of early medieval burial sources.