Mikulčice 900
Atlas velkomoravské aglomerace
790 Kč
Price without VAT: 790 Kč
Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno
Brno 2021, 215 p.
ISBN 978-80-7524-044-6
The large-format and richly illustrated publication supplements the online interactive map of the Great Moravian settlement agglomeration of Mikulčice-Kopčany. Both outcomes aim at collecting spatial data from the Mikulčice stronghold, which is a key site for the study of Great Moravia in the Czech Republic with a tradition of almost seventy years of archaeological research. The form of the stronghold and a number of sites in its vicinity and hinterland are known and thousands of archaeological finds (artefacts, ecofacts) were recovered. The atlas and the interactive map spatially visualise these findings and make them available to the scientific community and the general public.