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Silicite daggers in the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics


Price without VAT: 650 

Availability: In stock

Volume 78

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Brno

Brno 2024, 198 p.

ISBN 978-80-7524-083-5, ISBN 978-80-7524-084-2 (pdf)

DOI: 10.47382/arub2024-01

ISSN 1804-1345

The work includes the available finds of silicite daggers discovered in the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics until 2023. They have been known in the mentioned territory since the Late Stone Age (Eneolithic), their occurrence peaks at the end of the Eneolithic and in the older Bronze Age. However, the main production centres for these daggers are in northern Europe, in Scandinavia. They came to Central Europe mainly through trade. With regard to the existing collection, a new typological classification (types I to XIII) has been created for the territory of the Czech Republic, which also uses the results of the determination of the raw material used, which makes it possible to concretise their links to neighbouring areas as well as to the cultures of the domestic Eneolithic.

