Ein Brandgräberfeld aus der römischen Kaiserzeit in Mittelböhmen
Volume 81 Archäologisches Institut der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Tschechischen Republik, Brno Brno 2024, 361 p. ISBN 978-80-7524-089-7, ISBN…
900 Kč
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The Archeobotany of Mikulčice
The monograph evaluates archaeobotanical data recovered from the archaeological sites in the area of the Mikulčice-Kopčany settlement agglomeration…
500 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 500 Kč
Moravia at the onset of the Upper Paleolithic
The publication summarises the findings from the period when anatomically modern humans predominated over local Neanderthals.
350 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 350 Kč
Mezolit severních Čech II
The presented publication contributes to the discussion about the Mesolithic period on the European level: the settlement structure, hunter-gatherer…
600 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 600 Kč
Dolní Věstonice II
Volume 21 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Archaeology, Brno Brno 2016, 420 p. ISBN 978-80-7524-004-0 ISSN 1801-7002
650 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 650 Kč
Hradiště Mikulčice-Valy a Velká Morava
The publication is devoted to the famous European early medieval archaeological site, the Mikulčice-Valy stronghold. This visually and content-wise…
180 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 180 Kč
Doba popelnicových polí a doba halštatská ve střední Evropě
Archeologický ústav Akademie věd ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Opava – Brno 2016, 193 p. ISBN 978-80-7524-003-3
490 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 490 Kč
Forgotten Times and Spaces
The publication provides over forty contributions from an international team of authors and is aimed at collecting and describing fragments of past…
880 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 880 Kč
Sociální diferenciace barbarských komunit ve světle nových hrobových, sídlištních a sběrových nálezů
Volume 44 Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 470 p. ISBN 978-80-86023-25-0 ISSN 1804-1345
650 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 650 Kč
Velká Morava a počátky křesťanství
The collective monograph focuses on the narrative of Great Moravia and the beginnings of the Christianisation process. The book was published in…
700 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 700 Kč
Cyrilometodějská misie a Evropa
Read moreThe collective monograph devoted to the mission of Cyril and Methodius in Great Moravia takes into account its motives, course and consequences.
The Cyril and Methodius mission and Europe
The collective monograph devoted to the mission of Cyril and Methodius in Great Moravia takes into account its motives, course and consequences.
500 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 500 Kč
Hospodárské zázemie Mikulčíc
Volume 48 Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 353 p. ISBN 978-80-86023-44-1 ISSN 1804-1345
500 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 500 Kč
Lužická kultura v českém Slezsku
Volume 47 Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 341 p. ISBN 978-80-86023-42-7 ISSN 1804-1345
500 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 500 Kč
Lužická pohřebiště ve Vlaštovičkách u Opavy
Volume XVIII, 1 Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 102 p. ISBN 978-80-86023-35-9 ISSN 1211-1457
80 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 80 Kč
Lithic chipped industry of the Young Eneolithic in Moravia and Czech Silesia
Volume 46 Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 185 p. ISBN 978-80-86023-41-0 ISSN 1804-1345 The monographic study based on all…
300 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 300 Kč
Early Medieval Swords from Mikulčice
Volume: SBM X, Spisy ARÚB 42 Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, v. v. i. Brno 2014, 334 p. ISBN…
500 KčAdd to cartPrice without VAT: 500 Kč