Research Centre for the Paleolithic and Paleoanthropology

Hunters at a camp: Reconstruction of spatial behaviour at Moravian Gravettian sites.
GA ČR GA20-26094S, 2020–2022
principal investigator Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D., link

Earliest modern human behavior in Eastern Central Europe.
GA ČR 15-19170S, 2015–2017
principal investigator Ing. Petr Škrdla, Ph.D., link

Forming an international team on evolutionary anthropology of Moravian populations.
MŠMT ČR, OP VK, 1xnMfP0001, 2012–2015 (with Masaryk University)
ARÚB investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc., link

Paleolithic art. Contextual approach.
GA ČR GA404/08/0045, 2008–2010
principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc., link

Early Upper Paleolithic occupation in Brno-basin and surrounds.
GA AV IAA800010801, 2008–2012
principal investigator Ing. Petr Škrdla, Ph.D., link

Hunting strategies of the Late Palaeolithic hunters.
GA AV KJB800010701, 2007–2009
principal investigator RNDr. Miriam Nývltová Fišáková, Ph.D., link

  • International projects and cooperation programmes

    Exploring Mammoth Bone Accumulations In Central Europe.
    ERC Consolidator Grant, 2022–2027 (coordinator Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Science; with Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (SWE), Oesterreichische Akademie Der Wissenschaften (AT), Senckenberg Gesellschaft Fur Naturforschung (GER), University of Exeter (UK))
    ARÚB investigator Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D., link

    Dzeravá skala: Early Upper Paleolithic in the Middle Danube Region.
    L.S.B.Leakey Foundation, Berkeley, U.S.A., 2002–2003 (with the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie)
    ARÚB investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    Technological and dermatoglyphics analysis of the oldest ceramics: Pavlov (South Moravia) and Krems (Lower Austria).
    Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Brno, 2002–2003 (with Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Masaryk University)
    principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    The Gravettian art of South Moravia in its archaeological context.
    Maison des Sciences Humaines, France – Mellon Foundation, U.S.A., 2000–2001
    principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    Comparison of Near Eastern and Moravian EUP knaping technologies.
    A.W. Mellon fellow at the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research, U.S.A. and the American Schools of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, 2000–2001
    principal investigator Ing. Petr Škrdla, Ph.D.

    The last foragers of Northern Bohemia.
    National Geographic Foundation, U.S.A. No 98/6330, 1999–2001
    principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    Patterns of interaction between Anatolia and southeast Central Europe during the Upper Palaeolithic and Neolithic.
    American Research Institute in Turkey and Mellon Foundation, U.S.A., 1997–1998
    principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    Early modern humans in Moravia.
    Wenner Gren Foundation, U.S.A., No ICRG-14., 1996–1999 (with University of New Mexico)
    ARÚB investigator  prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

    Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov.
    L.S.B.Leakey Foundation, Berkeley, U.S.A, 1991–1994
    principal investigator prof. PhDr. Jiří Svoboda, DrSc.

Research Centre for the Roman Period and the Migration Period

Warfare as a catalyst of innovation. The evolution of Roman armour during the Middle Roman period through the lens of the Marcomannic Wars.
GA ČR GA24-11397S, 2024 – 2026
principal investigator Martijn A. Wijnhoven, Ph.D., link

The Lombard population in Moravia. Interdisciplinary research into Migration Period necropolises.
GA ČR GM21-31765M, 2021–2025
principal investigator Mgr. Zuzana Loskotová, Ph.D., link

Protohistoric communities of the “Marcomannic” settlement zone in the Middle Danube Region – Structure and dynamics on the basis of digital modelling.
GA ČR GA20-11070S, 2020–2022
principal investigator Mgr. Marek Vlach, Ph.D., link

Origins and changes of the Germanic society of the Middle and Late Roman Period on the basis of testimony of cremation burial ground Modřice-Sádky.
GA ČR 15-20700S, 2015–2016 (with the Institute for Archaeological Heritage, Brno)
principal investigator Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D., link

Temporary camps of the Roman army in Moravia and Lower Austria: Multidisciplinary research – Standard methodology – New historical interpretation.
AV ČR M300011201, 2012–2015
principal investigator Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D.

Continuity or change. Migrant and indigenous populations on the verge of the Middle Ages.
AV ČR M300010902, 2009–2011 (with German Archaeological Institute – Römisch-Germanische Kommission Frankfurt a. M., supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany)
ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

Langobardi de suis regionibus egressi. (Paul.Diac. 1, 19). Early medieval migrations and the question of ethnical identities in the 6th century.
GA ČR GA404/09/1719, 2009–2010
principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

Germanic population at the outset of the Late Roman Period: Historical, settlement and socio-economic context in the micro-region of Pasohlávky.
GA ČR GA404/09/1054, 2009–2011
principal investigator Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D., link

  • Previous projects (1991–2007 period)

    Specific evolution trends in the period between Late Antique and Middle Age in the Middle Danube region.
    GA AV IAA800010502, 2005–2007
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    Urgent tasks of research and rescue of the Roman archaeological monuments at Mušov.
    GA ČR GA404/05/2455, 2005–2007
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    The Roman enclave in Mušov area, the actual problems and its relevance for Roman military history on the Danube.
    GA AV IAA8001101, 2001–2003
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    The region north of the Danube in the period between the decline of Western Roman Empire and the arrival of Slavs. New views of the archaeological and anthropologic research.
    GA ČR GA404/99/0427, 1999–2001 (with Masaryk University)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    Antique Rome and the problem of acculturation in the region north of the Middle Danube in the view of recent research.
    GA AV IAA9001701, 1997–1999
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    Study of processes arising from the use of plasma chemical method for the restoration and conservation of archaeological and museum objects.
    GA ČR GA202/94/0490, 1994–1996 (with Masaryk University)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    The Roman military impact and the natives north of Middle Danube during the first three centuries A. D.
    GA ČR GA404/94/0782, 1994–1996 (with Charles University)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc., link

    The Roman Empire relations with Germanic tribes in the light of new archaeological records in the Podyjí settlement region.
    GA AV IA90103, 1991–1993
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

  • International projects and cooperation programmes

    The Danube Limes – World cultural heritage.
    EU/CE Project, 2008–2011 (coordinated by Institut für Österreichische Geschichts-Forschung Universität Wien)
    ARÚB investigator Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D.

    Research of the Roman military camps in Lower Austria and Moravia.
    Within the programme of the same name, in the frame of the broader research project “Amber route”, 2009–2015 (with Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien and Niederösterreichisches Museum für Urgeschichte Asparn/Zaya)
    ARÚB investigator Mgr. Balázs Komoróczy, Ph.D.

    Early medieval blacksmiths’ graves of the Lombards and Avars.
    Long-term project (with Interdisziplinäres Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie – VIAS, Universität Wien)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Germanic settlement structures on the border of the Roman Empire.
    Long-term project (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Research and mapping of Sr, Pb and O isotopes in order to determine the origin of non-local communities during the Early Middle Ages.
    Neue Wege der Langobarden-Forschung programme, partial project, from 2007 investigated as a part of the broader Czech-German cooperation focused on research of the early history structures in Moravia (with Römisch-Germanische Komission, Frankfurt a. M.)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Transformation. The development of a common culture in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire from Britain to the Black Sea.
    Culture 2000 Programme, European Commission (coordinated by the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz), 2004–2007
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Transdanubia between the Roman Empire, the Frankish Empire and Byzantine Empire (5th–9th centuries).
    International Cooperation Research Programmes (PICS), 2004–2006 (with Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    The gold of Barbarian principles – The gold of Barbarian rulers.
    EU, 2000–2001 (with Musée des Antiquités nationales, Saint-Germain-en-Laye)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    The Germanic royal tomb from Mušov in Moravia.
    Coordinator: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz, 1999–2002
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    The formation of the “Merovingian” civilization in Eastern and Western Europe.
    Programme de recherche dans le cadre de coopération franco – tchéque, 1998–2001 (with Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

    Basic problems of protohistoric development in the Middle Danube region.
    Long-term and ongoing programme, focused on individual research topics (with Prähistorische Komission Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Universität Wien and the Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra), since 1998
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Eastern Europe in the High Middle Ages: From tribes to the state.
    Within the Agreement to Create a European Research Group programme (coordinated by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris), 1993–1996
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Amber Route.
    Project of the countries of the Central European Initiative, 1991-1996, guaranteed by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, with participation of the research cultural institutions from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Poland; investigation of the individual topic – The Roman influence in the Germanic society north of the Middle Danube
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Mušov – Oberleis. Roman-Germanic confrontation (Roman fort at Mušov and the Oberleisberg near Ernstbrunn). Roman-Germanic conflicts in northern Lower Austria and southern Moravia.
    Project of the international programme “Ost-West-Program”, 1990–1996 (with Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien and Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

    Corpus of the Roman finds in Barbaricum.
    Long-term project running since 1990, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (coordinated by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt a. M.)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Tejral, DrSc.

Centre for Slavonic and Medieval Archaeology

Frontiers and Empires. The Case of Moymirid Moravia.
EXPRO GX25-15764X, 2025 – 2029 (with Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts)
ARÚB investigator Mgr. Michal Hlavica, Ph.D., link

Bořitov Hoard. A New Perspective on Minting and the History of Moravia in the Early 12th Century.
NAKI III, MK ČR DH23P03OVV021, 2023 – 2027
principal investigator PhDr. Jiří Doležel, link

Into the Great Moravian jewellery. Interdisciplinary research, analytical conservation and documentation of jewellery production from the Mikulčice and Staré Město sites.
NAKI III, MK ČR DH23P03OVV020, 2023 – 2027 (with Moravské zemské muzeum)
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link, project

Emergence of the high medieval pottery – the pottery kilns and their batch.
GAČR GA23-07863S, 2023 – 2025
principal investigator doc. PhDr. Rudolf Procházka,

Virtual scientific model of Great Moravian Mikulčice: A system of interactive documentation, presentation and archiving of long-term systematic archaeological excavations.
NAKI, MK ČR DG18P02OVV029, 2018–2022
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

Lifestyle and identity of the Great Moravian nobility: Archaeological and bioarchaeological analysis of the evidence of Mikulčice’s uppermost elites.
GAČR 17-01878S, 2017–2019
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

The role of centers in transitional society based on the evidence from early mediaeval Moravia and Silesia (10th–11th century.
GAČR 15-22658S, 2015–2017
principal investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc, link

Historical land use of the Bohemian-Moravian Upland in Prehistory and Middle Ages.
MK-S 82/2013 OVV, 2013–2016 (with the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic; Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts; Archaia Brno; Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology and Museum of Vysočina in Jihlava)
principal investigator PhDr. Jiří Doležel, link

Burial pit arrangements and wooden structures in graves at Great Moravian necropolises as a social, spiritual and chronological phenomenon.
GAČR P4055/13-20936P, 2013–2015
principal investigator PhDr. Marian Mazuch, Ph.D, link

Archaeological base in Mikulčice – A representative publication.
MK 54522/2013 OPP, 2013
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

Great Moravia and 1150 years of Christianity in Central Europe.
DF 12P01OVV010, 2012–2015 (with Moravian Museum)
principal investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

9th-century bridges in Mikulčice. River archaeology and paleoecology.
GA ČR P405/11/2258, 2011–2013
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc, link

Representative publication on the Slavic stronghold in Mikulčice.
MK ČR 51755/2012 OPP, 2010–2012
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc.

Historical landscape of the Mikulčice stronghold – Documentation, protection and presentation.
MK ČR MK 6763/2010, 2010
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc.

River branches in Mikulčice.
MK ČR MK436/2009, 2009
principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc.

The space use of the plots of the Moravian towns in the 13th and 14th century on the base of the archaeological sources.
GA ČR 404/09/1966, 2009–2012
principal investigator PhDr. Rudolf Procházka, CSc., link

The build-up area and space in Brno during the 12th and 13th centuries? Reflection of urbanisation in archaeological sources within the Central European context.
GA AV IAA800010704, 2007–2008 (with Archaia Brno)
ARÚB investigator PhDr. Rudolf Procházka, CSc., link

  • Previous projects (1991–2007 period)

    Development of the early medieval defence constructions in Moravia.
    GA ČR GA404/07/1068, 2007
    principal investigator PhDr. Rudolf Procházka CSc., link

    The Church architecture of the Great Moravian Mikulčice.
    GA ČR GA404/07/1513, 2007–2010 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague and the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Early Slavonic settlements in Pavlov and Přítluky.
    GA ČR GA404/07/1629, 2007–2009
    principal investigator PhDr. Dagmar Jelínková, CSc., link

    The biological variability, health and social stratification of the early medieval population of Great Moravia: Microevolutionary changes.
    GA ČR GA206/07/0699, 2007–2009 (with National Museum; Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Charles University and University of West Bohemia)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Archaeological sources from early medieval Mikulčice – Area beneath the walls.
    GA AV IAA800010703, 2007–2009
    principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Medieval urbanization of Czech countries and its reflection in archaeological sources – The example of wider region of Brno.
    GA AV IAA800010501, 2005–2007
    principal investigator PhDr. Jiří Doležel, link

    Non-residential areas of early medieval central agglomerations in Bohemia and Moravia in archaeological sources.
    GA ČR GA404/05/2671, 2005–2007 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Mikulčice, bazilica with burial ground (catalogue and analysis).
    GA ČR GA404/05/2447, 2005–2007
    principal investigator doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Klanica, DrSc., link

    Slavonic skeleton barrow ground in Stěbořice and the Great Moravian intervention in the region north of the Moravian Gate.
    GA AV IAA8001401, 2004–2006 (with Silesian Museum)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

    The nearest hinterland of Great Moravian centre Mikulčice – Development and social-economic structure.
    GA ČR GA404/04/0013, 2004–2006 (with National Museum; Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague and Masaryk University)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Chronology of the pottery of Brno in the time from 12th to the beginning of 14th century.
    GA AV IAA8001402, 2004–2006 (with Archaia Brno)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Rudolf Procházka, CSc, link

    The castle Přerov and the Polish penetration to Moravia about the year 1000.
    GA ČR GA404/03/0722, 2003–2005 (with Archaia Brno)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Čeněk Staňa, CSc., link

    Anthropological and epidemiological characterization of Great Moravian population in connection with the social and economic structure.
    GA ČR GA206/03/0725, 2003–2005 (with National Museum and the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Topography of the Early Middle Age Mikulčice (a global guide over the excavation 1954–1992).
    GA ČR GA404/02/1497, 2002–2003
    principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Current issues of the Czech history in international context.
    GA AV KSK8015116, 2001–2004 (with the various institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Institute of History; Masaryk Institute and Archives; Institute of Art History and Institute of Contemporary History)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

    Dendrochronology of subfossil trunks as precondition for prehistorical woods dating.
    GA ČR GP404/01/P127, 2001–2002
    principal investigator Mgr. Jitka Vrbová-Dvorská, Ph.D, link

    Archaeology of medieval town in the Czech lands.
    GA ČR GA404/01/0490, 2001–2003 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Jiří Doležel, link

    Great Moravian burial grounds and their contribution for the chronology of the 9th and the 10th centuries.
    GA ČR GA404/99/0429, 1999–2001 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague and Masaryk University)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

    Slavonic burial ground of the latter half of the 9th to the early 12th centuries at Mušov. Catalogue.
    GA ČR GA404/98/0693, 1998
    principal investigator PhDr. Dagmar Jelínková, CSc., link

    Settlement agglomeration of Great Moravian centres of power in the changes of the flood plain.
    GA ČR GV404/96/K089, 1996–2001 (with the Czech Geological Survey; Moravian Museum; University of Veterinary Sciences Brno and Mendel University in Brno)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    The Mikulčice “Valy” in the changes of the flood plain in the Holocene.
    GA ČR GA404/96/0109, 1996 (with the Czech Geological Survey and National Heritage Institute in Ostrava)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    Castles of Czech Silesia.
    GA ČR GA404/96/0711, 1996 – 1997 (with Silesian University in Opava)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

    The hillfort of Staré Zámky at Brno-Líšeň in the Early Middle Ages. Archaeological and historical evaluation of investigations.
    GA AV IAA9001502, 1995–1996
    principal investigator PhDr. Čeněk Staňa, CSc., link

    Stratigraphy of the Slavic stronghold in Mikulčice and its chronological criteria.
    GA AV IAA901106, 1993–1995
    principal investigator PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc., link

    The development of the Brno-region from the 8th to the beginning of the 11th centuries AD in the light of the archaeological sources.
    GA AV IA90155, 1992–1994
    principal investigator PhDr. Čeněk Staňa, CSc., link

  • International projects and cooperation programmes

    Historical Landscape in the Middle Course of the Morava River.
    Visegrad Fund, 22130105, 2022 –2023 (with Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts)
    principal investigator Mgr. Marek Hladík, Ph.D.

    “Archaeological park Mikulčice-Kopčany”.
    Project in a frame of the cross-border cooperation programme Slovak Republic – Czech Republic, 2007–2013 (coordinated by Masaryk Museum in Hodonín)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc.

    The development in the border region of the southwestern Moravia with the northern region of Lower Austria Waldviertel.
    Project of the towns Jemnice and Raabs with Vratěnín, together with Lower Austrian State Administration, 2002–2003
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc.

    Central Europe around 1000 AD.
    International exhibition project by the Deutsches historisches Museum zu Berlin and Deutschen Verbände für Altertumsforschung (with participation of other museum and scientific institutions from Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic), 2000–200?
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc.

    Moravia Magna.
    Long-term programme of the International Academy Union launched in 1997 (with the Slovak Academy of Sciences; Polska Akademia Nauk Kraków; Magyar Tudományos Akadémia and Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
    ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc.

    “Ost-West-Program”: The Mikulčice project
    International programme, 1990–1996 (with Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien and Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Wien)
    ARÚB investigators doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Klanica, DrSc. a PhDr. Lumír Poláček, CSc.

Archive and Library

Retro-cataloguing of the collection of the library of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno.
National programme of retrospective conversion of catalogues in the Czech Republic (VISK 5 – Retrokon sub-programme), 2021
principal investigator Bc. Hedvika Břínková, link

Archaeological information system of the Czech Republic (AIS CR).
MŠMT, Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic, LM2018134, 2020–2022 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
principal investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link,

Archaeology from the sky: Analysis and presentation of Moravian and Silesian remote sensing archives.
MK ČR, NAKI programme, DG18P02OVV058, 2018–2022 (with the Institute for Archaeological Heritage, Brno; Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague and National Heritage Institute)
ARÚB investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link,

Archaeological information system of the Czech Republic – Second generation.
MŠMT, Operational programme for the research, development and education, EF16_013/0001439, 2017–2021 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
ARÚB investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link

Archaeological information system of the Czech Republic (AIS CR).
MŠMT, Large Research Infrastructures of the Czech Republic, LM2015080, 2016–2019 (with the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
principal investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link,

Development of tools and infrastructure for digital humanities (INDIHU).
MK ČR, NAKI II programme, DG16P02R044, 2016–2020 (with the various institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Library; Institute of Archaeology, Prague; Institute of Ethnology; Institute of Philosophy; Institute of Art History; Institute of Czech Literature and National Library of the Czech Republic)
ARÚB investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link,

Retro-cataloguing of the collection of the library of the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno.
National programme of retrospective conversion of catalogues in the Czech Republic (VISK 5 – Retrokon sub-programme), 2011
principal investigator Bc. Hedvika Břínková, link

Internet encyclopedia of the history of Brno.
MŠMT, Operational programme Education for Competitiveness, Partnerships and networks, 2010–2012 (with Masaryk University; Brno City Museum; Institute for Archaeological Heritage, Brno; Archaia Brno; Secondary School of Art and Design and Higher Vocational School of Restoration Brno and Museum of Vysočina in Jihlava)
ARÚB investigator Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link

  • International projects and cooperation programmes

    Integrating platforms for the European research infrastructure on heritage science (IPERION HS).
    H2020-INFRAIA (European Commission, 871034), 2020–2023
    Main coordinator: Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Italy
    ARÚB representative Mgr. Tomáš Pavloň, link

    Advanced research nfrastructure for archaeological data networking in Europe – plus (ARIADNEplus).
    H2020-EU. (European Commission, 823914), 2019–2022
    Main coordinator: Servizi didattici e scientifici per l´Università di Firenze, Italy
    ARÚB representative Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link

    Saving European archaeology from the digital Dark Age (SEADDA).
    COST action (MŠMT, CA18128), 2018–2023
    ARÚB representative Mgr. Olga Lečbychová, link

Projects through the time and in cooperation with other institutions

Moravian-Silesian school of archaeological doctorate studies II.
GA ČR GD404/09/H020, 2009–2012 (with Masaryk University and Silesian University in Opava)
ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

Moravian-Silesian school of archaeological doctorate studies.
GA ČR GD404/05/h527, 2005–2008 (with Masaryk University and Silesian University in Opava)
ARÚB investigator doc. PhDr. Pavel Kouřil, CSc., link

Former departments and research centres

  • Department for Moravian-Silesian Prehistory: International projects and cooperation programmes

    The Gravettian art of South Moravia in its archaeological context.
    Czech-Polish joint project within the international agreement of scientific cooperation, 2009–2014 (with Polska Akademia Nauk Kraków)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lubomír Šebela, CSc., link

    Bell Beaker culture in Central Europe and the chipped stone industry.
    Czech-Polish joint project within the international agreement of scientific cooperation, since 2007 (with Polska Akademia Umiejętności Kraków)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lubomír Šebela, CSc.

    Chipped stone industries of the Moravian Bell Beaker culture of the Central European background.
    Czech-Polish joint project within the international agreement of scientific cooperation, 2003–2008 (with Polska Akademia Nauk Kraków)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lubomír Šebela, CSc.

    The prehistoric and Celtic gold in the Bavarian, Bohemian and Moravian region: Metallurgy and origin.
    Volkswagen-Stiftung Foundation, 1992–1995 (with Technische Universität München; Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte – Prähistorische Staatssammlung München; Forschungsinstitut für Edelmetalle und Metallchemie Schwäbisch-Gmund; National Technical Museum Prague; National Museum; Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Museum of Middle Otava in Strakonice; Prácheň Museum Písek; Institute for Archaeological Heritage, Brno; Technical Museum in Brno, and so on)
    ARÚB investigator prof. PhDr. Stanislav Stuchlík, CSc.

    Chipped stone industries – Late Aeneolithic chipped stone industry in Moravia and its relationship with neighbouring regions.
    1993–2002 (with Polska Akademia Nauk Kraków and Masaryk University)
    ARÚB investigator PhDr. Lubomír Šebela, CSc.

    Paleometallurgy of the Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age in Central Europe.
    Long-term international cooperation programme; 1992–2001 (with Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken and Charles University)
    ARÚB investigators PhDr. Ivo Rakovský CSc., prof. PhDr. Stanislav Stuchlík, CSc. and PhDr. Lubomír Šebela, CSc.